The Approach
Keen Beverage is full service beverage firm, providing turnkey solutions to beverage manufacturing, federal and state compliance, beverage development and formulation, brand development, complete with concepts, raw goods identification and procurement, sales and wholesale distribution, chain distribution, importing and exporting. The firm is continually expanding the network to break brands into the beverage industry and into the hands of consumers.
Brian Pearson started in the liquor industry over 23 years ago, after an honorable discharge from the US MARINES. At the age of 23, he took a niche product and commercialized it. As it turned out, this first project would prove to be his most challenging obstacle as he encountered countless issues with the manufacturing and distribution along with the overall legalization of this niche product. These challenges allowed Pearson to grow his experience and knowledge base for a highly competitive market. As the years progressed, Pearson was able to grow his idea into a 80,000 square foot contract manufacturing facility in the Midwest. Pearson provides clients hands on access to decades of industry experience and guidance.
While he continues to be a market innovator, he has made entry to the market possible for countless new and exciting products targeted for growing audiences in the beverage industry. Using the knowledge and the platform he has built provides a base for the future growth of client’s brands. He’s explored every facet of the industry, from product formulation and manufacturing, to brand development and strategic marketing. As a result of these efforts, Pearson has the ability to efficiently provide guidance and direction in brand conception, as well as national product launches.

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is a bureau under the Department of the Treasury. We employ staff across the country, including our Headquarters Offices in Washington, D.C., and the National Revenue Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Our staff are highly educated and technically trained; more than half are analysts, chemists, investigators and auditors. In addition, a large number of employees serve as financial, legal, information management, and computer specialists. See how we are organized.

Founded in 1938, NABCA is the national association representing the Control State Systems - those jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol within their borders.
Headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area, NABCA serves its members by providing research, analytics and alcohol regulatory information, and acts as liaison to federal, state and local governments, research groups, public health associations, the media and other organizations impacting alcohol policy.
Management of NABCA is vested in its Board of Directors with one director from each of the voting member Control Jurisdictions and a Chairman elected by the Board annually. Day-to-day administration is the responsibility of a full-time President & CEO and staff.

The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA) is the national trade association representing the wholesale tier of the wine and spirits industry. It is dedicated to advancing the interests and independence of wholesale distributors and brokers of wine and spirits.
Founded in 1943, WSWA has over 350 member companies in 50 states and the District of Columbia, and its members distribute more than 80 percent of all wines and spirits sold at wholesale in the United States.
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., WSWA provides its members with representation before Congress, executive agencies, regulatory bodies, courts, and other alcohol beverage industry organizations. In addition, WSWA offers a wide range of services in the areas of public affairs, education and social responsibility, as well as valuable cost-saving programs.

The Distilled Spirits Council is the leading voice and advocate for distilled spirits in the United States.
Representing the leading producers and marketers of distilled spirits, the Council:
- Advocates on legislative, regulatory and public affairs issues impacting the distilled spirits sector at the local, state, federal and international levels.
- Promotes the distilled spirits sector, raising awareness and opening markets in the United States and around the globe.
- Encourages responsible and moderate consumption of distilled spirits as part of a healthy adult lifestyle based on evidence-based research and policy.